Lower Austrian traditional businesses in front of the curtain

Gala Night of the Chamber of Commerce

On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the province of Lower Austria, the Chamber of Commerce brought the traditional companies before the curtain and invited them to a gala evening in Gänserndorf. 

Family businesses in particular are of great importance for Lower Austria's economy. And the awareness of regionality, according to the President of the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Wolfgang Ecker, and the Provincial Councillor for Economic Affairs, Jochen Danninger, has recently increased further. 

"In Lower Austria, there are companies with a long tradition in practically all sectors that are successful and committed," Ecker continued. Last but not least, this diversity provides security, especially in economically challenging times.  

Michael Steinbacher (2nd from left) and Martina Steinbacher received the award from the Chamber of Commerce.

The managers of two Hollenstein family businesses also shook hands amicably at one of the front tables in the event hall: Steinbacher Energie and Loden Landl, a specialist in the manufacture of traditional costume clothing. 

Security and stability - these are the buzzwords that are invoked again and again, especially in times of crisis. But even in so-called traditional companies, long-term success is not "inherited", but can only be achieved through the day-to-day work of a motivated team, high flexibility and innovative strength. This is how we want to emerge stronger from crises.

We thank you for the appreciation shown to us and the successful evening with live music and bartender show.
