General Terms and Conditions (GTC) - 01/2025

General remarks

With the publication of each new price list, individual price sheets or price corrections, previous price quotations and any special price agreements shall become invalid. Unless otherwise agreed, offers made by us are always non-binding and subject to change, unless we confirm the validity of the prices and conditions submitted in writing by a specific date. Verbal agreements are non-binding. Technical specifications are subject to ongoing improvements or changes due to new regulations etc. and may have to be contractually agreed separately. If events occur during the execution of an order which make it impossible to fulfil the order under the agreed conditions or which result in an unreasonable increase in production costs (e.g. due to serious increases in raw material prices), we shall be free to withdraw from the deliveries without accepting any customer claims if the customer does not agree to the new prices or the change in conditions. Errors excepted. The details of illustrations are not binding. Unless otherwise stated below, or if our General Terms and Conditions are or become invalid, the latest version of the "General Terms and Conditions of Delivery of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industry" or the General Civil Code shall apply. Our General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of all contracts with customers. They apply exclusively, even if no reference is made to them in individual cases. Conflicting terms and conditions of purchase of the buyer shall not apply to us, even if we do not expressly object to them. The place of jurisdiction is Waidhofen/Ybbs, Lower Austria. The place of fulfilment is Hollenstein an der Ybbs, Lower Austria. Customer-related data is processed and stored by us in an automated manner. Orders over EUR 1.000,- excl. VAT must be made in writing! 
VAT number ATU 72371845, commercial register no. 469393i, tax no. 15-253/8138


Non-cartelised, non-binding net prices in EUR excl. VAT for VE only for authorised resellers, commercial or industrial companies, the construction industry and construction (ancillary) trades, electricians, electromechanics (electronics and electrical engineering technicians, "mechatronics technicians"), radio and video electronics technicians, antenna and lightning protection installers, etc. within Austria. For small orders up to EUR 300,- excl. VAT we charge shipping costs of EUR 25,-. We also charge EUR 25 for direct deliveries to customers of resellers (third-party addresses). We grant discounts for bulk buyers by arrangement. For information on the validity of prices, please visit our homepage or contact us by e-mail, telephone or fax! We reserve the right to make further ongoing price changes and corrections to printing errors. Collection discount for timely collection possibly by arrangement. Entering our premises is exclusively at your own risk. Ordered quantities can be rounded up to packaging units (PU) by us without consultation.


Invoices are payable within the agreed payment period. This does not apply to custom-made products and services, which are generally payable net within 8 days without deduction or with a partial payment. Initial orders are made only by cash on delivery. In the event of late payment, we reserve the right to charge 12 % default interest and reminder fees. We refuse to accept bills of exchange! If the buyer is in arrears with the payment of an invoice, the credit volume is exceeded, or if we become aware of circumstances that are likely to raise doubts about the creditworthiness of the buyer, then all of his liabilities become due immediately or we are entitled to withdraw from the contract.

Reservation of proprietary rights

For all deliveries we assert the extended retention of title. The property is only then transferred to the buyer if he has paid all his liabilities from deliveries of goods or services as well as the default interest or costs arising from any default in payment towards us. Any processing by the buyer does not release the ownership. The right of resale expires in case of late payment or substantial deterioration of the financial circumstances of the buyer. In the latter cases, the buyer is obliged to surrender the goods or, alternatively, other goods originating from other contracts at our request.


Packaging costs EUR 8.60 for approx. 20 % of the listed items in packaging units, otherwise included in the price. Hot-dip galvanised sheet steel boxes etc. are delivered unpacked on EURO exchange pallets, which must be exchanged on acceptance of the goods, otherwise we will charge for the loading equipment. Cable distribution cabinets and the like must never be stored horizontally outdoors (rainwater causes corrosion of electrical components and an uneven white rust effect on the housing). Please remove any adhesive shipping documents immediately (staining). Packaging will not be taken back (ARA No. 4570). Returnable drums or similar returnable transport equipment must be reported for collection on time (within 3 or 6 months), otherwise the rent or, in the event of loss, the value of the drum will be charged.


We deliver compact, listed goods within Austria from EUR 300,- net without shipping or handling charges carriage paid to the door by forwarding agent, BahnExpress, Post or DPD (561732), unless otherwise stated in the price list, in the offer or in the order confirmation, good lorry accessibility given and below 1.000m above sea level. Below this altitude, the flat-rate shipping charge (0010) is EUR 25! For bulky or voluminous consignments (>2.3 m length or diameter, >2 m height or <200 kg/m³) or large cabinets or similar, we always charge a freight surcharge or freight costs (0030, 0031, 0032, 0033) and deliver unloaded or without a crane! We charge EUR 10 for advance delivery notification by telephone (0081 Baustellenaviso) in order to avoid costs for second deliveries. The freight surcharge for hazardous goods (0035) is determined on a case-by-case basis. Our delivery of goods is fulfilled when the goods are handed over to the railway, post office, forwarding agent, etc. The shipping risk (for breakage, damage, loss, etc.) shall be borne by the contractor. ATTENTION: The goods must be checked for any transport damage immediately upon receipt! Be sure to unpack the packed goods! Any transport damage or loss must be reported immediately upon receipt of the goods and certified by the carrier on the consignment note, otherwise all claims for damages shall lapse. Export shipments are ex works (0020). Partial deliveries are expressly authorised and can be invoiced. Dimensions, weights and illustrations in our quotation and order documents are only approximate. No guarantee is given for their compliance.

Delivery time

We have a very large warehouse (new high-bay warehouse), ship daily and strive to deliver promptly! We accept no liability for unforeseen or fault-free delivery obstacles at our company or our suppliers. Delivery times are non-binding! Withdrawal by the buyer due to late delivery is only possible if we have been given a reasonable grace period without success! Claims for compensation or standing time charges due to late, missing, partial delivery etc. are expressly excluded! We ask for timely orders! Deliveries e.g. in inner alpine places sometimes last 3-4 days! As far as possible, appointment deliveries are associated with extra costs (0080).


Open, recognizable material defects, under-, over- and wrong deliveries as well as transport damages are to be asserted immediately upon delivery in writing. Hidden defects are to be reported immediately after discovery, at the latest 8 weeks after receipt of the goods. We reserve the right, in the case of recoverable, irrecoverable, insignificant defects and timely notice of defects, to replace the unused goods of our choice, to remedy the defect or to take back the goods under credit to the invoice amount. Minor scratches or dents caused by manufacture or transport of unpackaged galvanized boxes do not constitute grounds for complaint. Further claims for compensation are excluded. Technical interventions and modifications (conversions) on type-tested goods (e. g. cable distribution cabinets) by the customer or a wholesaler are expressly prohibited. For improperly stored or treated goods, we assume no liability! A duty of compensation for claims from property damage to operationally used objects of enterprises after the product liability law § 9 we exclude ("free drawing"). For products, which must be manufactured according to special wishes of the client, this is liable even to higher standards or regulations.

Resignation from the contract or return

Resignation from the contract is not possible! We are not liable for hearing errors in telephone orders! Please note our order confirmations and react immediately if necessary! Undamaged, unused, non-polluted and common, listed items (no special or third-party products and e. g. daily price or divers pipe materials), we will only accept after prior approval by our sales management, within 6 months after delivery and if they are carriage paid and be returned properly. In this case we write the value invoiced at the time reduced by 18 % handling fee and and the freight (there and back freight), freight, but at least reduced by EUR 30,- (0070) well, or additionally calculate necessary post-treatment costs (e. g. cleaning) extra. Loan drums are to be handed over by our personally present customer with delivery note to our carrier. 

Quality control

Our services have been ÖNORM EN ISO 9001 certified since 1994.

To our suppliers

Careful, we demand quality in every respect and check it!

Environmental protection

For decades all waste and special waste according to ÖNORM S 2100 have been collected separately and properly disposed or reused in cycle processes. Our production number is 147113. Sheet steel boxes can be easily separated as an environmentally friendly example due to the magnetic properties in shredders and 100 % energy and raw material saving for steel of the highest quality processed (upcycling - not downcycling, currently 40 % steel from scrap). Almost all of our plastic parts are made of polyamide. Combustion produces water and carbon dioxide (CO2) of natural circulation. Strapping and adhesive tapes are made of polypropylene. Our in-house electroplating plant works as an Austrian pilot project completely wastewater free! We do not use ozone-damaging substances or similar, but biodegradable cleaning agents, state-of-the-art, energy-saving heaters, worker-friendly fume extractors, helmets with filtered fresh air supply etc. We prefer Austrian suppliers with short transport routes. For the most part, our products are designed for extremely long lifetimes and are therefore environmentally friendly by conserving resources!